REGISTER NOW FOR DISCOVERY AND MOTION PRACTICE WORKSHOP (2006) Here is a case that should not have been filed (entire text of opinion below) and was argued improperly. The homeowners clearly lost...
View ArticleHow Merril Lynch Helped Blow Up Their Own Firm- THIS IS WHY I’M SO ANGRY!
I appreciate the site that referred to my “delusional conspiracy theories”, then referenced some quotes that have been attributed to me in international news media. As I responded to that site, I of...
View ArticleYour latest Keystone XL conspiracy theory, from…
Congress? Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory from time to time. Lately I’ve really been enjoying Finding Bigfoot and Ancient Aliens. But such rumors and breathtaking legends aren’t restricted to...
View ArticleNY Times credits Bush, Cheney with US energy surge
Wait… what? I’m getting ready to start any number of conspiracy theories here. Was the New York Times website hacked by Anonymous? Did someone accidentally click on a redirect to The Onion? Did some...
View ArticleDoom: Tick bite can turn you into a vegan.
You know Bloomberg is at the bottom of this, right? It’s not news that during the summer you can run into problems with ticks, particularly if you spend time out in the country, have a dog, etc. And...
View ArticleThe obligatory “Did Arafat die of polonium poisoning?” post
Half-life. I’m confident that the coming testing on his exhumed remains will be carried out with all the rigor, honesty, and transparency for which Palestinian governance is known the world round....
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